
Toward a Coordinated and Balanced Development : New Initiatives for the Development of Yangtze River Economic Belt and Explorations in Jiangsu | 1:a upplagan

av Changchun Cheng och Fenghua Yang

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Förlag Springer Nature
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2020-10-07
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 512
ISBN 9789811584534
Kategori(er) Ekonomi & management
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The book is a comprehensive study of the strategic position of Yangtze River Economic Belt in the political and economic development of China. It is a holistic and precise qualitative and quantitative delineation of Jiangsu’s position in this belt and its development strategy, and the strategic position of Yangtze River Economic Belt in national development. It also illustrates the great significance of the initiation of Yangtze River Economic Belt for the economy, politics, environment, and integration of natural resources. There is a research of the position of Jiangsu in the construction of the nation, and the difficulties it has encountered. Coordinated and balanced development of Yangtze River Economic Belt will effectively facilitate reasonable allocation and exploitation of various resources, the implementation of other national strategies, and communication and cooperation between China and Western countries, enhancing their mutual understanding. Therefore, common readers can get some general information from different perspectives, and professionals can have a detailed understanding of different arrangements and guiding principles. It is thus suitable for different readers.
Yangtze River Economic Belt runs through the three regions of China, making a vital latitudinal axis, whose coordinated and balanced development is of great strategic importance for promoting coordinated and shared development of the three regions and for the spatial balance of population, economy and the environment. The current imbalance between them, the absolute disparity in regional development, the obstruction in the flow of resource factors, the inequality in development opportunities, the incoordination between regional economic growth and the bearing capacity of resources and environment, the fragmentation of regional economic policies, all contribute to the insufficient utilization of the Golden Waterway, problems numerous. How coordinated and balanced development can be realized within this economic belt is a prominent and pressing, even a severe problem.
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