
A Dialogue between Law and History : Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Facts and Evidence | 1:a upplagan

av Baosheng Zhang och Thomas Yunlong Man

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Förlag Springer Nature
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2021-01-21
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 435
ISBN 9789811596841
Kategori(er) Juridik
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This book builds on the success of the First International Conference on Facts and Evidence: A Dialogue between Law and Philosophy (Shanghai, China, May 2016), which was co-hosted by the Collaborative Innovation Center of Judicial Civilization (CICJC) and East China Normal University. The Second International Conference on Facts and Evidence: A Dialogue between Law and History was jointly organized by the CICJC, the Institute of Evidence Law and Forensic Science (ELFS) at China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL), and Peking University School of Transnational Law (STL) in Shenzhen, China, on November 16–17, 2019.

Historians, legal scholars and legal practitioners share the same interest in ascertaining the “truth” in their respective professional endeavors. It is generally recognized that any historical study without truthful narration of historical events is fiction and that any judicial trial without accurate fact-finding is a miscarriage of justice. In both historical research and the judicial process, practitioners are invariably called upon, before making any arguments, to prove the underlying facts using evidence, regardless of how the concept is defined or employed in different academic or practical contexts. Thus, historians and legal professionals have respectively developed theories and methodological tools to inform and explain the process of gathering evidentiary proof. When lawyers and judges reconsider the facts of cases, “questions of law” are actually a subset of “questions of fact,” and thus, the legal interpretation process also involves questions of “historical fact.”

The book brings together more than twenty leading history and legal scholars from around the world to explore a range of issues concerning the role of facts as evidence in both disciplines. As such, the book is of enduring value to historians, legal scholars and everyone interested in truth-seeking.

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