
Securing Urbanism : Contagion, Power and Risk | 1:a upplagan

av Mark Laurence Jackson och Mark Hanlen

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Förlag Springer Nature
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2021-01-18
Upplaga 1
Antal sidor 483
ISBN 9789811599637
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This book is concerned with developing an in-depth understanding of contemporary political and spatial analyses of cities. In the three-part development of the book’s overall argument or premise, the reader is taken in Part I through a range of contemporary critical and political understandings of urban securitizing. This is followed by an historical urban landscape of emerging liberalism and neo-liberalism, in nineteenth-century Britain and twentieth-century United States, respectively. These case-study historical chapters enable the introduction of key political issues that are more critically assayed in Parts II and III. With Part II, the reader is introduced in depth to a series of spatial analyses undertaken by Michel Foucault that have been crucial for especially late-twentieth and twenty-first century urban theory and political geography. With Part III the full ramifications of a paradigmatic shift are explored at the level of rethinking territory, population and design.

This book is timely and useful for readers who want to develop a stronger understanding of what the book’s researchers term a new political paradigm in urban planning, one ultimately governed by global economic forces that define the end of probability.

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