
The Chinese Dream and Ordinary Chinese People | 1:a upplagan

av Mai Lundgren

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Förlag Springer Nature
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Inbunden
Utgiven 2021-03-01
Upplaga 1
ISBN 9789813349513
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This collection of interviews explores how the Chinese Dream is fueling the aspirations of individuals in China today and presents 40 representative cases that showcase the journeys that ordinary people undertake in pursuit of their dreams as well as their extraordinary achievements.  
The authors identify autonomy, self-awareness, and hard work as the most fundamental driving forces in individuals taking control of their own lives and achieving their dreams, with family and social support as further important factors. Despite the vast differences in the interviewees’ dreams and experiences in pursuing them, there is a common thread in their stories, namely the impact of major changes in the country on their lives. The future of individuals is closely linked to the future of the country: a bright future for the country means a good life for all. 
People’s longing for a better life is the basis and a central element of the Chinese Dream, which is the dream of the nation and the dream of every citizen. 
This book will appeal to a wide audience, including ordinary people.
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