
108 träffar på Per Bod������n

Change - transforming yourself and your body into the person you want to be

Change - transforming yourself and your body into the person you want to be | 2017

Av Scott (scott Stoll) Stoll


Acupuncture Imaging (New Edition) : Perceiving The Energy Pathways of the Body

Acupuncture Imaging (New Edition) : Perceiving The Energy Pathways of the Body | 2004

Av Mark Seemann


Yoga and body image - 25 personal stories about beauty, bravery and loving

Yoga and body image - 25 personal stories about beauty, bravery and loving | 2014

Av Anna Guest-jelley


Relational Perspectives on the Body

Relational Perspectives on the Body | 2000

Författare saknas

Pris fr. 738 kr

Guru in you - a personalized program for rejuvenating your body and soul

Guru in you - a personalized program for rejuvenating your body and soul | 2012

Av Yogi Cameron Alborzian

Pris fr. 197 kr

Brain and Body in Sport and Exercise: Biofeedback Applications in Performan

Brain and Body in Sport and Exercise: Biofeedback Applications in Performan | 1:a upplagan

Av Boris Blumenstein


Through the Prism of the Senses - Mediation and New Realities of the Body in Contemporary Performance. Technology, Cognition and

Through the Prism of the Senses - Mediation and New Realities of the Body in Contemporary Performance. Technology, Cognition and | 2020

Av Davidson Andrea m fl

Pris fr. 1016 kr

Brain and Body in Sport and Exercise: Biofeedback Applications in Performan

Brain and Body in Sport and Exercise: Biofeedback Applications in Performan | 1:a upplagan

Av Boris Blumenstein

Pris fr. 13456 kr

Perceptions of the Body and Sacred Space in Late Antiquity and Byzantium

Perceptions of the Body and Sacred Space in Late Antiquity and Byzantium | 1:a upplagan

Av Jelena Bogdanovic

Pris fr. 489 kr

Motor behavior - connecting mind and body for optimal performance

Motor behavior - connecting mind and body for optimal performance | 2013

Av Jeffrey C. Ives


How To Read A Person Like A Book: Observing Body Language To Know What People Are Thinking

How To Read A Person Like A Book: Observing Body Language To Know What People Are Thinking | 2009

Av Gerard I. Nierenberg

Pris fr. 13428 kr

The Explicit Body in Performance

The Explicit Body in Performance | 1997

Av Schneider Rebecc

Pris fr. 333 kr


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