
The Customer Copernicus : How to be Customer Led | 1:a upplagan

av Sean Meehan och Charlie Dawson

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Förlag Taylor & Francis Ltd
Språk Engelska
Bandtyp Häftad
Utgiven 2021-05-10
Upplaga 1
Fler upplagor 2021/1
Antal sidor 192
ISBN 9780367564636
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The Customer Copernicus directly addresses the customer-led reality gap – the profusion of claims versus the paucity of real examples. The crucial element explaining this is belief – people’s shared beliefs about what matters inside an organisation. Natural beliefs are inside-out, company first. Customer-led beliefs are outside-in and not natural at all. The ONLY way to become and stay outside-in is through Moments of Belief - bold, costly and risky customer-led actions. Learn from leaders of some of the most customer-led organisations in the world, now or in the past. These include Tesco, easyJet, DBS, Sky, Handelsbanken, Pepsico and O2. The book describes how organisations can become more customer-led (where most books stop), how and why they fail and how to carry on in the face of challenges common to even the most successful, internally and from the competition. Learn what really matters – people’s shared beliefs about success – and how to change them. The book is practical, colourful and down to earth while answering a crucial question for our age. The book is essential reading for CEOs, CMOs, CCOs and their teams who might be facing company-wide challenges to remain competitive and to develop a more purposeful and innovative culture. It is useful to specialist teams tackling customer-related issues like CRM implementation, customer service improvement, or customer experience management. It is an excellent resource for business students of management and marketing.
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